Congratulations Blackberry Magazine on a wonderful new edition of a great magazine. And huge congratulations to Mixed Roots Team members Esme-Michelle Watkins and Jamie Moore who are published in this new edition. Please check it out!–Heidi Durrow
Blackberry Magazine: Mixed Roots Writers Represent!
Aaron Samuels, an extraordinary young poet, Tours with His New Book!
You don’t want to miss Aaron Samuels, an amazing young poet, if he’s coming to a town near you. He’s a powerful new voice in poetry and he’s touring between now and January all over the country. I was so moved and stunned by the power and beauty of his new book Yarmulkes and Fitted Caps. This is the blurb I wrote for his book:
Yarmulkes & Fitted Caps is brilliant and heart-breaking. Samuels fearlessly takes on the complexities of multiracial heritage and identity with charged visions of coming-of-age andfamily histories that will haunt you. This collection establishes Samuels as a poet of extraordinary ambition, talent and vision. –Heidi W. Durrow, New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Girl Who Fell From the Sky
Mixed Roots 2014 New Sponsor: Zerflin –an excellent design studio!
We’re so glad to be working with Zerflin for Mixed Roots Fest 2014. Their motto is real. good. design, but I’d have to say it’s really great design–and they are really great folks. If you’re looking for a graphic designer or web designer, we can’t recommend them highly enough! —Heidi Durrow
Volunteer for Mixed Roots Fest 2014
Do you want to be a part of the planning or volunteering on-site at the Fest? Join a dynamic team working to create community. Sign-up to volunteer here.
Congrats Elizabeth AKA Lisa
We’re so proud of Elizabeth aka Lisa. Her one-woman show Alien Citizen which debuted in LA earlier this year to great reviews is headed to NYC! The show will be part of Stage Left Studio Women at Work Festival on 9/24 and 9/25. Check it out! Here are some video clips of the LA run. Congrats Lisa!–Heidi Durrow
“Director Sofie Calderon’s intimate production capitalizes on Liang’s assured skills as a raconteur…inevitably moving.”
LA Weekly
Mixed Roots Foundation Adoptee Day with the Dodgers!
We can’t wait for this event on 9/1 in Los Angeles! Mixed Roots Foundation and MASC have teamed up! This is what MASC says about the event:
You’re invited: Mixed Roots Adoptee Day with the LA Dodgers
MASC is a proud co-sponsor of Mixed Roots Foundation Adoptee Day with the LA Dodgers! Join us on Sunday, September 1, 2013, 1:10pm at Dodger Stadium.
MASC friends, families, and members get a GROUP DISCOUNT – $23 per ticket, an *additional* $2 off the already discounted price. To get your ticket, use the Paypal button here. After clicking, select the number of tickets, provide your mailing address, and we’ll mail the tickets to you (no additional service or shipping charge!). FYI, If you wish to have the tickets mailed to an address OTHER than your billing address – please note this under the “Add special instructions to the seller” field at the PayPal checkout.
All tickets will be in the same section, so you’ll be sitting with other MASC friends and families. We’ve got a limited number of tickets, so get your discounted group tickets before they sell out! Read more and purchase your tickets on our site.
Please Support the Mixed Roots Fest 2014
We hope that you will consider donating to the Mixed Roots Fest 2014. It is an all-volunteer effort and we beg, borrow or barter for everything we can to keep the costs very low. Let’s just say we are putting on a large wedding (estimated at 2000 plus attendees) for just a few dollars per person! All the events are free, but if you can make a donation in any amount it goes a long way. Think about it: if everyone who attended donated just $5 we’d be well-funded for 2014 and 2015. I hope you’ll consider donating.
Mixed Roots Fest is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Mixed Roots Fest must be made payable to Fractured Atlas only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Please donate here! It’s fast and easy and we will be so grateful!
And a huge thank you to our first donor the very lovely Brenda Lakin! Won’t you join her ranks? BTW: if you have special skills and would like to volunteer your services please let us know: mixedrootsfest(at)gmail(dot)com. We are seeking web designers, on-site volunteers, graphic designers, make-up artists, photographers, videographers, children’s entertainers, craft experts. —Heidi Durrow
Mixed Roots Fest 2014 Coloring Book: Are you in?
We thought it would be fun to create a coloring book of Mixed Roots families that will be used at the Mixed Roots Fest family event June 14, 2014. Send us your mixed roots photo of families or individuals and we’ll turn the photo into a coloring book page. Email your photo to mixedrootsfest(at)gmail(dot)com. We’ll include as many photos as possible! (And please help spread the word!)